Introduction Packaging line

Introduction Packaging line

Van der Lee Seafish introduced its own packaging line. This is ideally suited for the cash and carry market and the retail market.

The Van der Lee Seafish packaging is really user-friendly and can go directly on the shelf. The clean, full colour design exudes quality and immediately draws the consumers attention. Available weights vary from 300 grams to 2 kilograms.

Of course we also supply neutral retail and consumer packaging. One of the possibilities is also a private label. Additionally our products are available in retail boxes (300 to 600 grams) and in bulk and large packages (5, 10 and 15 kilo). Products can also be packed individually. Furthermore any other customer desired packaging is possible.

ESE Barcelona October 2012

ESE Barcelona October 2012

The first edition of the Seafood Show Barcelona will take place from the 15th — 17th of October.

Van der Lee Seafish will be present at this fair with a stand and you are very welcome to come and visit us there. We will present a few new products at this fair that are part of the diverse product range that Van der Lee Seafish has to offer.

Our booth number = 1-7006

Van der Lee Seafish and Tax Department Sign Agreement

Van der Lee Seafish and Tax Department Sign Agreement

The Horizontal Supervision Agreement was signed by the Tax Department and Van der Lee Seafish on 2 February 2012.

This agreement involves a new way of cooperation between the Tax Department on the one hand and Van der Lee Seafish on the other. A cooperation based on transparency and trust. A collaboration that emanates from their prior consultation if important tax issues, seem to be imminent. A collaboration that prevents a variety of additional verification, later.

The Tax Department therefore expresses its confidence in the financial processes conducted at Van der Lee Seafish BV. It arrives at this conclusion based on the long-standing excellent collaboration and additional research into the administrative structure and organisation of the Company research in which the accounting firm Flynth (formerly GIBO) has been extensively involved.

For Van der Lee Seafish BV, this represents a significant alleviation of the administrative burden and optimum use of the expertise of the client coordinator at the Tax Department. The Tax Department can now shift its priorities slightly as a consequence.